We need to get the word out. God is doing a great work in the city of Atlanta and you can be a part of it. Ask yourself “What can I do to get the word out about The Atlanta Encounter ‘Church 4 Chicks’?” We have the best Teacher, an incredible vocalist and the best news (the Gospel) ever to be offered to mankind (or in this case womankind). This is an opportunity to reach women who may never step foot in a church. The website
church4chicks.com is the best way to get the info to people. Think of ways you can get this website in front of others.
-I put it in big letters across my back window of my car. It cost $25. (pictured above)
-You can send emails to friends and family, email, email, email.
-put church4chicks.com on your blog
-respond to someone else’s blog with the website
-make a blog if you don’t have one and put church4chicks.com on it
-You can let your church and women’s ministry know of the event
-As soon as posters and cards are made, you can distribute them
-you can raise funds to help with advertising costs
-you could put church4chicks on a billboard on I-285 (this one might be a bit much, but it doesn’t hurt to ask)
-you could call churches in the Atlanta area to let them know about The Atlanta Encounter
-Everyone can pray for God’s Favor for this ministry
Can you give one day between now and August 26 dedicated to getting the word out?
Can you give $25, $50, or $100 to pay for printing and mailing?
Can you fast and pray one day between now and August 26th?
Hit the comments button if you have other ideas to let everyone know.
We only have 5 weeks until the big kick off with Ginger Garrett, Shelley Hendrix, and Jenifer Smith, I can promise you don’t want to miss this event, go ahead and register and get others registered at church4chicks.com. Your friends will thank you.
Stephen D. Hendrix, CADC
Director of Clinical Programs
HopeQuest Ministry Group Inc.