Monday, December 15, 2008

Chapter 4 - "Purpose, Presence, Position"

(ok - I just realized I said "um" a whole lot in that video! :)

This week, we looked at three elements in Esther and Mordecai's lives:

1. They each had a Purpose

Just like God had a specific purpose for Esther and Mordecai, He has a unique plan and purpose for each of us as well.

2. They had Presence

I personally struggle with the part of the story of Esther where God allowed her to be forced to have pre-marital sex with an evil king. I don't understand why God would allow this, but I do understand that God is sovereign and used the place that Esther was in to bring about His will. "We know that in ALL THINGS God works together for good, to them who love God, and to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Rom. 8:28)

3. God gave them Position

God placed Esther and Mordecai in the exact positions He needed them to be in to fulfill His purpose in and through them. God will do the same for us also. In this chapter, Shelley wrote, "God puts each of us in the right place at the right time when we choose to walk with Him."

Questions to answer in the comments section below...

1. Knowing the truth that God has given you everything you need to accomplish His purpose for you today, does this change your outlook of your future? If so, how?

2. What is the main thing that God has taught you in chapter 4?

(click on the word, "Comments" below and leave your answers.)


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Week 3 of On Purpose For a Purpose

Hi Ladies! No video today~ There just seems to be so much going on these days, and I am confident you all can relate. It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, which also brings with it, lots and lots of things to do--on top of the normal craziness most of us live with every day! Am I right?

For this post, I want to do a couple of things. First, I want to ask you to please let me know who's out there. We only had 3 comments posted this past week and 1 of those one from Yours Truly. Even if you're shy or you don't have a Blogger account, we'd still love to know you're out there and with us. Feel free to comment using the "anonymous" option, and then just sign it with your first name. Jenifer and I are really hoping to help our community, even this online one, grow and we need YOUR help to make that happen. Are you with me?

Secondly, I want to let you all know that next week's Bible Study post will come from Jenifer! Make sure you check back. We won't "meet" for the week of Christmas or the week of New Year's, but we will plan to begin updating the blog with more stuff for all Chicks to enjoy--whether you're participating in the blog study or not, so make sure to keep checking back!

Okay, on to the post!

In the story of Esther, we see the sovereignty of God throughout the entire book. I don't know about you, but it is often very difficult for me to embrace the truth that God is sovereign when I see and experience things that hurt me or those I love, or when I see atrocities that take place on any given day around the world. It's often difficult to experience peace when we find experience the thoughts and emotions that we do when confronted with such realities. Jenifer and I were blessed to get to attend the Casting Crowns Christmas Concert (Check out her blog for some great pics). Mark Hall, the lead singer of the group, reminded us that Peace is a Person and His Name is Jesus Christ. With that being true, then what that also means is that if we know Jesus Christ, and if He lives in us, then WE carry peace WITH US wherever we go.

His words have continued to speak to me these past few days, and as I consider what the times were like for Mordecai and Esther, and how they experienced governmental leaders who didn't honor the One True God and as they experienced some very unfair situations, the God of Peace was sovereignly overseeing the entire thing.

That same God oversees every bit of every tiny detail of our lives as well. And just as He cared for Esther and Mordecai IN their circumstances, He cares for us in the same way as well.

So, my discussion question this week is brief: What is your response to the truth (not how you feel about what you may be going through or would like to see changed in your life) that this same God, and Prince of Peace, is very concerned about YOU and the challenges and circumstances you are facing? How do you respond to the fact that He doesn't always change our circumstances, but that He desires to do what is absolutely best for us in them?

Remember, too, that just as at this point in the study we aren't seeing HOW all of this will work out for Esther and Mordecai, they had to live this out without knowing how it would all work out either. May we be people who walk by faith when what we see isn't so convincing.

I am looking forward to hearing from you all--it's your turn. Press "comments" and type away!

Until Next Week~

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Welcome to Week 2 of On Purpose For a Purpose!

In this past week's Chapter, our topic was on how we can be women of purpose and not lose our position that God has destined us to fill. In our longing for true security and significance, which can only be found in a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus, we often look to external sources that only leave us wanting, rather than filling us up. Have you identified some of those places you go to for security?-For significance? (We'll pick back up with Vashti in the comments' section below.)

In Chapter 2 of Esther, the Bible tells us that Ahasuerus/Xerxes regretted what he had decreed against Vashti. When his false sources of security and significance failed him, he felt all the emotions that inevitably follow such a reality.

Pause to consider this: when your false sources of security and significance fail you, what emotions do you feel? What thoughts do you struggle with?

When Xerxes felt all of those unpleasant feelings and had all those haunting thoughts, he wanted to find a source of comfort. He wanted something or someone that would make him feel better.

A Question for this week is this: "Where am I going to find comfort when my source of security and significance fail me?" You don't have to answer this in the comments section, but I do ask that you get honest with God and yourself about this so that you can begin walking away from that false source as you walk toward the true source of comfort. (See II Corinthians 1:3-7)

I heard it said in recent days that there has never been a day when Christians were more comfortable and yet less committed than ever before. May this not be the case with us. May we purpose to lives our lives on purpose and for a purpose!

Comments' Section:

1. As a woman, what "position(s)" do you fill?

2. Where do you have influence? Try to put these in order of most influence to least.

3. How can you be more intentional in those areas of greatest influence?

4. Sometimes the most difficult choices are not between what is good vs. what is wrong, but what is good vs. what is best. How can we be careful to give our energy, strength, and resources to what is best? How can we discern what is best?

5. From the Homework Section of Chapter 2, what is the main thing God spoke to you? How will you apply that to your life this week?