Welcome to Week 2 of On Purpose For a Purpose!
In this past week's Chapter, our topic was on how we can be women of purpose and not lose our position that God has destined us to fill. In our longing for true security and significance, which can only be found in a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus, we often look to external sources that only leave us wanting, rather than filling us up. Have you identified some of those places you go to for security?-For significance? (We'll pick back up with Vashti in the comments' section below.)
In Chapter 2 of Esther, the Bible tells us that Ahasuerus/Xerxes regretted what he had decreed against Vashti. When his false sources of security and significance failed him, he felt all the emotions that inevitably follow such a reality.
Pause to consider this: when your false sources of security and significance fail you, what emotions do you feel? What thoughts do you struggle with?
When Xerxes felt all of those unpleasant feelings and had all those haunting thoughts, he wanted to find a source of comfort. He wanted something or someone that would make him feel better.
A Question for this week is this: "Where am I going to find comfort when my source of security and significance fail me?" You don't have to answer this in the comments section, but I do ask that you get honest with God and yourself about this so that you can begin walking away from that false source as you walk toward the true source of comfort. (See II Corinthians 1:3-7)
I heard it said in recent days that there has never been a day when Christians were more comfortable and yet less committed than ever before. May this not be the case with us. May we purpose to lives our lives on purpose and for a purpose!
Comments' Section:
1. As a woman, what "position(s)" do you fill?
2. Where do you have influence? Try to put these in order of most influence to least.
3. How can you be more intentional in those areas of greatest influence?
4. Sometimes the most difficult choices are not between what is good vs. what is wrong, but what is good vs. what is best. How can we be careful to give our energy, strength, and resources to what is best? How can we discern what is best?
5. From the Homework Section of Chapter 2, what is the main thing God spoke to you? How will you apply that to your life this week?
1. I am single, so I don't fill the position that most women would with being a wife and mother. However, I am a daughter, sister, friend, Aunt, singer, worship leader, etc.
2. I feel like I had much more of an influence in Florida. I was extremely involved in my church, both in the music ministry and as a Life Group leader to 11th grade girls. (I just moved to the ATL almost 4 months ago). However, I am praying that God will use me in my new location to influence people around me. I want to make an impact for God's kingdom.
3. I am striving to have such a close relationship with Christ that when He speaks and gives me direction I will recognize His voice and obey. He has already shown me since I have moved to Atlanta some areas that He wants me to serve in. I am looking forward to seeing how God is going to use me here as I continue to stay close to Him and follow where He leads.
4. It is very easy to get "over-involved" even with serving God. We can sometimes wear ourselves out by doing so much for Him that we don't have time or energy left to spend time with Him. He desires a relationship with us much more than He desires our service. This doesn't mean we shouldn't serve God, but we should make sure that we have our priorities right and that we say "Yes" to Him when He calls us to something, and be willing to say "No" to others when God has not called us to a particular area of service.
5. I feel led to pray even more than I already do. Prayer is not just listing our needs for God and asking Him to meet them. Prayer should be a conversation between you and God. There are some big decisions that I am going to have to make soon as well as many unknowns in my future. I need to be getting on my face before God and seeking His will. I am desperate to hear His voice - not just for direction, but in order to receive comfort from Him when I feel anxious or worried about my future.
1. I fill the roles of: a wife, mom, daughter, daughter in law, sister, sister in law, granddaughter, ministry leader, teacher, neighbor, and friend.
I have to remember, though, that who I am and what I do are two different things. My value, worth, and acceptance are based on who God is and who He declares me to be. My contribution in each of these roles will be indicative of my understanding of this reality.
2. Influence: Home, Friendships, Ministry, Extended relationships
3. My goal is to focus the energy and resources I have been entrusted with to the areas where they matter most and will continue to matter in the future: i.e. the 4 M's of relationships: Master (God), Marriage (Stephen), Motherhood (Amelia, Macey, Jackson), Ministry (all other relationships and the actual running of a full-time ministry). This continues to be a challenge for me. And perhaps that last little word should go on the list somewhere, "Me". I have the hardest time balancing my time so that I don't burn out and give leftovers to those closest to me. I'm in the process of learning how to live a balanced life rather than a "juggled" one.
4. With the previous answer in mind, I'm learning to give pause and think through and ask God for wisdom in where I need to spend my time, energy, talents and resources rather than giving in to the pull I often feel to give a little bit of me to everything.
5. God continues to teach me the value of prayer. I don't get it. I don't understand how or why God would have me come to Him in prayer, but I continue to take the journey one step at a time.
1. Follower, wife, mother, step mother, sister, daughter, co worker, friend, boss
2. Work, home, friends
3. By being a steady example to those around me. My banner should be clear. My words should be intentional and guarded, lots of damage can be done by words alone. Being intentional at home with 4 teens is difficult, when I try to be I get "Mom, you are soooo religious" try as I might, I get shut out a lot of the time by my girls. I havn't figured this one out yet.
4. I was always the "yes" girl, anything they needed at church I was there, it left me feeling empty and exhausted. I had to step down from leading our small group and only greeting a couple times a month. My family needed the extra time. I go to God to help discern what is best, if left up to me I would miss the mark I am sure.
5. Slow down, be quite and listen....really listen. Let the small stuff go it's not important. Give more time to my family.
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