Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Heather Mangum's Band ROCKS!

If you missed last night, you missed a treat! Heather and her band are awesome and then some!
They were so gracious to offer themselves as a gift to the Atlanta Encounter, so I hope you'll check out their website and invite them to your next event or to your church. You can find them at
This is Heather and her band warming up before all the ladies arrived...We also found out their good news. Heather and her hubby, Matt (on the white guitar behind her), are expecting a little girl in a few months. Congratulations Heather and Matt! We hope you'll bring your little "chick" to the Atlanta Encounter Spring 09 so we can meet her.
ALSO: Chicks--don't forget about this week's Homework. The assignment is posted by Shelley in the comments section, so make sure to leave your answers before week's end if possible. (Even if you're not involved in the Atlanta Encounter, please feel free to join us for this week's assignment...we'd love to hear from you!)
See you at Atlanta's Best Kept Secret on September 30th when we'll hear from our own worship leader and band and teaching from Shelley Hendrix.
Don't miss it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Don't Miss Heather Mangum and Band on 9-23!

Hey all you Atlanta Encounter “Chicks”!

This coming Tuesday we will be having guest recording
artist and songwriter, Heather Mangum join us to lead in
worship and share some of her original songs along with
her band. You don’t want to miss this!

This would be a great week to introduce “Church 4 Chicks”
to your churches, friends, family, co-workers, etc.

“Church 4 Chicks” is one of Atlanta ’s best kept secrets.
Let’s all work together on getting the word out so we can
pack the house out this coming week in support of Heather.

Check out Heather’s music at

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 16th--Jesus is our Redeemer, and we'll never look at yellow Post-It notes the same way again...

"...I'm so glad my friend invited me here..."
"...I had no idea where (Shelley) was going with this illustration when I first saw those giant notes, but I needed this message tonight!"
"Thank you for taking the time and energy to offer this Bible Study--it is meeting me right where I need it most..."
These are just a few comments we've heard and received since last night's meeting of the Atlanta Encounter. We had a smaller group than we've had the previous weeks, but we all agree that this was one of the sweetest nights of the felt presence of God we've all experienced. The night started off for most of the staff and volunteers with a very rough day. We could sense that the Lord was up to something because there just seemed to be so many things working against us.
Shelley started off the evening's message by praying for the presence of the Lord to fill the auditorium and explained that the message was one she had struggled to prepare more than any other ever before. It didn't take long for God to bring us all into a place of focusing on Him.
Shelley shared a personal story of redemption from her own life (AKA the "Post-It Note Story") as we studied John 4's "Woman at the Well." What a treasure redemption is--that God won't change our history, but He will redeem it and take those painful memories, regrets, sins, losses and more and will redeem them to the point of completely changing how we look at them, how we feel about them, and what they mean to us. WOW! Only a God like ours will do something like this: take our broken pieces and shattered dreams and make something of extreme beauty and value.
Will any of you ever forget heading out to the lobby and to your cars and finding those Post-It Notes with messages of God's Love for you?
Jenifer and the girls on the Praise Team did an amazing job leading us into the presence of God and announced a special guest singer and band for September 23rd's Atlanta Encounter!!
Heather Mangum will be our guest and you DO NOT want to miss her and her band!
She will rock the place with praise and worship, so bring your friends and make sure you're there by 6:30 to get all the announcements and so you won't miss a thing.
Shelley is working on another special message that goes along with the theme of "Broken & Beautiful." Who could you invite this week?
Remember, the lobby area is set up for you to come early and bring your dinner, meet with your girlfriends, and even do some shopping, so come on when you can, and come as you are.
Need Childcare? We need to hear from you by the Friday before each meeting so we can plan accordingly. Child care only costs $5 per family, so let us reserve your spot for your child.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Night of Atlanta Encounter was a huge success!

Even with traffic on the roads, rain clouds in the sky, and technical difficulties, God showed up and we were all blessed! Read what a few of our attendees have already said about the first night of Atlanta Encounter~Church 4 Chicks:

"I was at the church4chicks last night and I really enjoyed it. Something like this is what I really need! The music was uplifting and Shelley was interesting as well as funny and entertaining. The time went by so fast.

Even though I'm a native Georgian I feel as though I have few friends. I moved away for 8 years and then moved back. I knew from a friend's experience that this would be tough. I left behind some really close friends in Missouri. I had kept in touch with some friends here in the Atlanta area but of course in 8 years their lives had continued on and they made more friends, etc. Now I seem to have such a hard time reconnecting. Besides, most of my friends are spread out and live in all different directions from me. I'm hoping to meet a lot of new people each Tuesday and make new friends in my area as well as learn more about the word of God. I felt this was an awesome opportunity. God dropped this right in my lap. An all girls bible study AND right in my back yard! I could not say no!

I look so forward to attending next Tuesday

" WOW! It was great! Your message was great Shelley! I really needed to
be there last night! Even though I was super late and had a CRAZY
day. I almost just went to have dinner with a friend since I was so
late, but I'm glad I didn't.
Thanks for all you shared and for being so authentic

"Shelley-You did a fabulous job last night! I'm looking forward to next Tuesday!"

"Thanks for tonight. It was awesome. You are truly a blessing in my life!"

"Thanks for everything you said tonight at C4C. I'm looking forward to attending next week as well!"

This is just a sample of what was said after the first night of Church 4 Chicks and we truly believe the best is yet to come! If you haven't joined us yet, it's not too late! Tell a friend and get registered online at

Leave us a comment and let others know about the blog so we can continue to build this community of women in the ATL.

Remember, this a FREE event for you and your friends to enjoy with other women in Atlanta.

See you Tuesday!

PS-Shelley will be posting the Homework questions later today, so check back if you want to get those.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tonight's the night!

We will meet for 8 weeks and you can join us at any time! We hope to see you at The Atlanta Encounter--Church 4 Chicks!

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's coming!!

Hey everyone!
September 9th at 6:30 p.m.
Be there!! Bring your friends!!

Don't miss the first night of Bible Study at the Atlanta Encounter!
Register online at or simply register at the door. This is a *free Bible Study.

*(Love offering will be taken each week to help cover costs.)