Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Night of Atlanta Encounter was a huge success!

Even with traffic on the roads, rain clouds in the sky, and technical difficulties, God showed up and we were all blessed! Read what a few of our attendees have already said about the first night of Atlanta Encounter~Church 4 Chicks:

"I was at the church4chicks last night and I really enjoyed it. Something like this is what I really need! The music was uplifting and Shelley was interesting as well as funny and entertaining. The time went by so fast.

Even though I'm a native Georgian I feel as though I have few friends. I moved away for 8 years and then moved back. I knew from a friend's experience that this would be tough. I left behind some really close friends in Missouri. I had kept in touch with some friends here in the Atlanta area but of course in 8 years their lives had continued on and they made more friends, etc. Now I seem to have such a hard time reconnecting. Besides, most of my friends are spread out and live in all different directions from me. I'm hoping to meet a lot of new people each Tuesday and make new friends in my area as well as learn more about the word of God. I felt this was an awesome opportunity. God dropped this right in my lap. An all girls bible study AND right in my back yard! I could not say no!

I look so forward to attending next Tuesday

" WOW! It was great! Your message was great Shelley! I really needed to
be there last night! Even though I was super late and had a CRAZY
day. I almost just went to have dinner with a friend since I was so
late, but I'm glad I didn't.
Thanks for all you shared and for being so authentic

"Shelley-You did a fabulous job last night! I'm looking forward to next Tuesday!"

"Thanks for tonight. It was awesome. You are truly a blessing in my life!"

"Thanks for everything you said tonight at C4C. I'm looking forward to attending next week as well!"

This is just a sample of what was said after the first night of Church 4 Chicks and we truly believe the best is yet to come! If you haven't joined us yet, it's not too late! Tell a friend and get registered online at

Leave us a comment and let others know about the blog so we can continue to build this community of women in the ATL.

Remember, this a FREE event for you and your friends to enjoy with other women in Atlanta.

See you Tuesday!

PS-Shelley will be posting the Homework questions later today, so check back if you want to get those.


Unknown said...

Broken and Beautiful
Week 1 Homework

Please draw your own “jar”—as you see yourself. Then, use that jar to answer the following questions. I want to challenge you to share your jar with a close friend before next week’s meeting.
1. As you read II Corinthians 4:7 and 12:7-10, and as you consider your own “earthen vessel”, what are the weaknesses, or “cracks in your jar”? Label the cracks on the picture of the jar you drew. (Don’t worry about artistic ability!  )
2. Now, reflect honestly on the “band-aids”. Draw and label those on your picture as well.
3. Look at your picture and write down your thoughts in response to the lesson and your own drawing.
4. What is God showing you about yourself and the way you relate to others?
5. On a scale from 1-10 (1 meaning “not at all”; 10 meaning “absolutely, no problem”), how comfortable are you with letting others in on who you really are?
6. What are the liabilities you see in your own life? (What are those things you wish were not true or not a part of your past?)
a. Are you willing to take a risk and trust God with those by surrendering them to His purposes even if that means unmasking them?
b. How can you imagine God might want to use those liabilities and turn them into assets for His Kingdom work and your good?
7. Where have you been placing a “spotlight” on the cracks in your jar?
8. What would you tell someone else who was saying “this is why God can’t use me!”?
a. Are there any Scriptures or biblical truths you would share with her?
b. Is it easier to offer advice to others than to live it out in your own life?
c. Are you willing to take a risk and allow God to remove the spotlight from your liabilities and use them for His purposes?
A personal note~ Please remember that not everyone can handle your authenticity!  Don’t get the idea that you have to tell everyone everything all the time. Take the time to pray for God’s guidance, wisdom, and protection in leading you to the safe people He desires to bring into your life for the purpose of helping you become all He desires for you to become. And, while you’re at it, pray that He will continue to make you that safe person for someone else as well.
Blessings to you as you seek Him above all else—letting Him have the real you!
See you next Tuesday!