It comes around every year and can catch you by surprise. So here’s a friendly reminder to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed this Saturday! not miss BELOVED on November 4th at The Atlanta Encounter!! Bring your girlfriends for a fun night out! We'll end the evening with dessert and coffee and hanging out. We've had a great first season of Church 4 Chicks and have more to come, so keep checking in to see what's happening!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Don't forget!!
Posted by The Atlanta Encounter at 1:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Enjoy this beautiful song that goes so well with our series...
Carried to the Table from Leeland on Vimeo.
Posted by The Atlanta Encounter at 2:02 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Only 2 Weeks Left! Don't miss a moment of it!

Posted by The Atlanta Encounter at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
This week at the Atlanta Encounter
Hey Chicks!
We hope you all have had a blessed week! We are so excited about this Tuesday's "Church4Chicks"! We have two very special guests who will be coming to share with you ladies.

Kristi is an incredibly gifted vocalist/recording artist who will be leading our worship time this week. You all will be blessed to hear her! Kristi will have her CD's available for purchase at the event.
Posted by The Atlanta Encounter at 4:18 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
You found it!
Hi Chicks! For those of you who made that "covenant" to go to the blog, I welcome and thank you! :-) I hope you're all sensing the presence of our savior in your life today regardless of your circumstances. Have you taken some time to get into His presence today?
As we try to get everyone used to coming to the blog, I want to ask you to take a minute or two to leave us a comment so we know you stopped by.
Remember, we'll be using this blog to communicate with one another during the "off-season" of Atlanta Encounter. We'll be working through the book together, "On Purpose For a Purpose", which can be purchased on October 21st only AT our meeting for $10. After that, it will be back at its regular price of $15. I hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to stay in the Word of God with your girlfriends as we move through another Holiday season. I'm still working on details of how our blog Bible Study will work, but I know it'll be a blessing to each of us. And, hey, why don't you invite someone you know to join you for the blog study? You won't even have to leave home to participate!
One more thing: Mark your calendars and make sure you don't miss our last 3 weeks of Atlanta Encounter.
October 21st: Guest speaker, Ashley Smith Robinson
Guest Recording Artist, Kristi Walker
October 28th: Guest Recording Artist: Lost & Found
November 4th: Special Guests Beloved !! You won't want to miss our last night of the Atlanta Encounter as we say so long until next year. We'll have a wonderful time with Beloved, teaching from Yours Truly, and dessert & Coffee afterwards. Plan to stick around for a while to hang out and enjoy some girl time before the craziness of the Holidays are upon us.
You have no idea how much I love you! I'm praying for you all today,
Posted by The Atlanta Encounter at 6:17 AM 4 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ashley Welborn coming to Atlanta Encounter!
You won't want to miss this coming Tuesday as we begin the second half of our Fall Atlanta Encounter Bible Study. We are thrilled to be having recording artist, Ashley Welborn as our special guest Worship Leader this week. Ashley has so graciously volunteered her time to come out and minister to all of us. She will have her new album available for purchase, so be sure to stop by her table and pick one up. (You can listen to some of her music online at
Invite some friends to come with you this week! See you all Tuesday!
Posted by The Atlanta Encounter at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Info and Updates
Hi everyone!
I wanted to remind you that we will NOT meet on October 7th, but that does not mean you have the "night off". ;-) Please use those 2 hours or so you have devoted to the Atlanta Encounter to pray, pray, pray for all of us involved in "Church 4 Chicks."
- Please pray for wisdom, encouragement, and whole-hearted commitment by those in leadership and those who are coming under this ministry's teaching.
- Please pray for provision financially especially in these difficult days of our nation's economy.
- You have probably noticed we no longer have a band. :-( We are saddened and disappointed by this, but we trust God is making a way for us. Please pray for Shelley, Jenifer, Debra and D.D. as we seek God's will for this.
- Please pray for our remaining 4 weeks of Fall Atlanta Encounter. It is definitely NOT too late for new friends to join us for our series, so please pray that God will bring them!
- Please prayerfully consider joining our volunteer staff. Email us at if you are interested.
- Please pray for us as we begin to make plans for our next season of the Atlanta Encounter beginning after Valentine's Day, 2009.
Invite, Invite, Invite~ Please think of at least 3 women whom you know would be blessed by what you're enjoying at AE and then take some time on October 7th when you would normally be at AE and invite them to join you on the 14th.
One last thing--if you didn't do the "online" homework assignment from September 23, we'd still like to hear from you. See the post below, and go to the comments section to participate.
Posted by The Atlanta Encounter at 9:35 AM 0 comments